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Whitewater Trails Railroading Merit Badge Camp-O-Ree April 26-28

Join the troop for a unique experience at the Whitewater Trails Railroading Camp-O-Ree April 26-28.  The scouts will get to drive hand powered cars, explore locomotives, learn about railroad careers, learn switch and horn signals, work to lay track, take a train ride and much more.  While doing all of this they will be working toward the railroad merit badge which they will earn by the end of the weekend.

We will be staying at Robinson’s Whitewater River Campground in Connersville Indiana.  We will meet at the garage on Friday at 5pm with the hopes of leaving by 5:30. On Sunday we will be back a little later than normal since we will attend church in the morning, take a train ride down to Metamora to eat lunch and then back to the campground and depart around 2pm. So, we will be back at school around 3-4pm.

You will need to fill out the typical permission slip along with a release from the railroad company which are both attached along with a flyer with a bunch of information on the campout if you are interested.  The scout will need their Class A’s along with close toe shoes for when we are in the rail yard, notebook / pen to take notes.   The cost is $45.

Please turn in the permission slip form at the April 16th meeting which is 2 weeks ahead to allow us to update the registration with who is coming along see if we can return or get more spots based on the response of who is going.

Whitewater Trails Railroading Camp-O-Ree

Railroad Waiver

Railroad Camporee leader guide information

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