Troop 850 is an active troop when it comes to camping, typically camping once each month, except December. The choice of campouts is made by Scouts (with guidance from adult leaders) at the yearly Planning Meeting. The following are general categories and specific examples of past campouts.
Service Campouts
One campout each year, usually in the spring, is dedicated to performing a service project. In the past we have built bird feeders at Caesar Creek State Park, cleared brush along the road at Miami Whitewater Park, painted buildings at Fort Ancient, and planted trees at Clifty Falls State Park.
Adventure Campouts. Examples of past campouts are canoeing in Brookville, IN, caving in Renfro Valley, KY, rock climbing in Torrent Falls, KY, rifle/shotgun shooting at the Fairfield Gun Club, and Wilderness Survival campouts.
Two weekend backpacking trips are scheduled each year. The spring trip is open to anyone and the fall trip is only for experienced backpackers. Past locations for these trips include Cave Run Sate Park, KY, Vesuvius in Southern OH, Hoosier National Forest, IN, and Big Southfork, KY.
Council and District Campouts
Each year, our Scout district sponsors a Spring and a Fall Camporee held at a local Scout camp. A winter campout known as Klondike is held annually in January at Mt. Airy or a local Scout camp. Every 2 years, Peterloon is held at Cub World in October and is one of the largest Boy Scout campouts in the country attracting more than 4,000 Boy Scouts.
Other Campouts
Fort Knox, KY, the Gettysburg Battlefield, PA, the Perryville Battlefield, KY, Camp Oyo near Portsmouth, OH, and Dutch Oven cooking competition at Mt Airy Forest.
Campout Preparation
The schedule of campouts for the year is made available in January. Permission slips and payments are generally due at the troop meeting ten days before the campout. Each Scout is required to submit a permission slip with a parent’s signature and medical insurance information. Permission slip forms for upcoming campouts are available on the Troop website. Before submitting, please tear off the bottom of the slip which notes the times for departure and return.
The cost to a Scout or a parent for a typical weekend averages around $25 each which pays for most of the food, transportation, and any camping or activity fees. The remainder of the cost of a campout is paid by the Troop’s general fund. Campout fees can be paid through a Scouts personal account which is funded by ticket sales for the Troop’s fundraisers. (See ‘Fundraisers’ section for details.)
At the last troop meeting before each campout, the Scouts are formed into patrols. Each patrol selects a patrol leader and assistant, completes a menu (approved by an adult leader) for each meal, and assigns 2 Scouts to complete the grocery shopping for the campout. Any campout details (departure times, transportation, weekend schedule, required gear …) are covered by adult leaders or senior Scout leaders. A gear list specific to each campout will be distributed at the meeting. General gear lists for campouts are also listed on the Troop website. Essential equipment for all campouts includes Class Auniform, mess kits, water bottle, rain gear, boots, and extra shoes. It is critical for the enjoyment and safety of the Scouts that parents are involved as needed to assure that the Scouts are prepared for each campout.
For each campout, one adult leader will be designated to keep all medications that a Scout requires during the campout. The medications should be in a zip-loc bag with the Scout’s first and last name clearly written on the outside of the bag. Inside should be specific instructions for administering the medications. Any Scout who plans on taking medicine on his own must get the permission of the Scoutmaster prior to the campout.
For a typical weekend campout, we meet at 5:30 Friday evening at St. Ignatius. We pack up the food, tents, and gear in the troop trailer and caravan to our destination. Upon arrival, we set up camp, and have a snack (‘cracker barrel’) before bedtime. No dinner is provided on Friday night. We return to St. Ignatius on Sunday morning or early afternoon. We make every effort to attend Mass sometime during the campout.
After each campout, if the Troop’s tents were used, each boy is required to take home either a tent or plastic ground cloth to be cleaned and dried. The Scout should also verify all parts of the tent are there (poles, fly, stakes …) and to document any parts or damage to the tent and report that information at the next meeting. Parents should be as involved in this effort as much as necessary since this is an important function to keep our tents in good shape so that at the next campout there are no unpleasant surprises.