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Annual Dutch Oven Campout, Camp Birch

Troop 850’s annual Dutch Oven Campout is scheduled for the weekend of February 10-12th at Camp Birch, Yellow Springs, OH (around the corner from John Bryan park where we do the Bushwhack hike). This campout is consistently a favorite of the Scouts, and adult leaders who attend are consistently impressed with the boy’s culinary acumen. This year we will be staying in the Adam’s building at Birch which is heated.

Scouts will spend Saturday creating a 3 course culinary masterpiece; each patrol will make a main dish, a bread, and a dessert from scratch to share with the judges and the rest of the campers. Parents are welcome to come out and sample the dishes on Saturday or to help create their own Dutch Oven feast. After sampling all of the gourmet cuisine, the judges will have the unenviable task of designating which patrol is the best of the best, while all other participants feast on the Dutch Oven fair.

In addition to meal planning and cooking, time will be set aside to allow for Scouts to pursue advancement requirements, to play cards, and for other group activities which are being planned. So wash your serving spoon, polish your dutch oven, and start your menu planning–Dutch Oven Campout time is here!

Parents who plan to attend the meal on Saturday evening please RSPV by the February 7th meeting so we can plan accordingly.

The trip cost is $40/person.  All Boys Scouts must attend the entire weekend per Troop policy. Please return the permission slip and payment by the February 7th meeting.


Dutch-Oven 2023-permission-slip

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